Independent Study Program

American School’s Independent Study program helps resident high school students at public schools and private schools earn their diplomas with make-up and supplemental courses at a very reasonable cost. Students can choose from a wide variety of accredited high school classes in online and paper-based formats and earn needed or additional credits through distance education.

We work closely with hundreds of guidance counselors across the country to help their schools teach their students, complete needed credits, and maintain higher graduation rates. Our Independent Study program is perfect for credit recovery, schedule conflicts, accelerated programs, alternative education programs and home-bound students.

It is a viable and cost-effective alternative to summer school, since students can enroll at any time and our tuition is very affordable. Tuition includes all textbooks and study materials with personalized grading by qualified instructors whether students are taking correspondence or online courses. They will also have access to our Online Student Center, where they can view academic records, sign up for e-mail notification of grades, download help sheets and access homework Web sites any time of the day or night. Likewise, guidance counselors and school officials have access to our Online Counselor Office, where they can view academic records for each of their students, sign up for weekly student progress report e-mails, and download optional final exams for each of their students.

American School is regionally accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools/Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) and Accreditation International (Ai), so our courses are acceptable at nearly every resident high school across the country.

Once a course is completed, we mail a transcript to the school for ease in awarding credit to the student’s official academic record. This keeps the student on track to earn a high school diploma and participate in his or her high school graduation ceremony.

For more information, call our Independent Study Coordinator at 708-418-2850 or email

If you are a student or school official who has not used American School's Independent Study Program, you can begin the enrollment process here

If you are a counselor or school official who already uses American School's Independent Study Program, you can download applications in the Online Counselor Office

Either way, you’ll feel confident knowing that you or your students are taking interesting and affordable courses from one of the long-time leaders in distance education, American School.